A Capital Campaign (fictional)
Project Apis M. has teamed up with Driscoll’s Fresh Produce to create The BEE Cause. It's A campaign to further Project Apis M.’s mission to spread pollinator education by creating a physical research center that houses pollinator studies and provides a place for field trips from local schools and universities in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The campaign includes special berry bins and a cardboard cutout of a bee keeper that stands over the berry display which directs them to a special website for the campaign. Driscoll’s has decided to donate $0.25 of every berry bin sold in one year towards The BEE Cause. The campaign also includes a flyer sent to partners of Project Apis M. including Blue Diamond Almonds, Costco, Hershey’s Chocolate, and local farms.
Fundraising Campaign Idea: Ryan Hash and Me (Alex Watts)
UI, and Visual Design: Me (Alex Watts)
Copywriting: Ryan Hash